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  Are You Kidding? Now It's Done (future) Dlinkwents 8 (future) Anthology on MP3 (future)

Heath Greenbaum has joined the band as rhythm guitarist.  He was formerly in Strych-Nine and had his own project, Summerland. He also plays with The Morning Riders. Check him out.

The band has completed the "Are You Kidding" album.  One of the songs, "The Zipper Song" is a country collaboration with Carole and Stevie G.  The album is available on this site.  It is also available sites at the bottom of this page. Other sites can be found on the "Are You Kidding" page. Two songs on this album were up for Grammy nominations in 2024.  They were in the Best Rock Song category (although the band thinks "The Zipper Song" is country).  The songs are "Thoughts" and "The Zipper Song".  The album was up for Best Rock Album.

Two songs for the Dlinkwents 7th album (Now It's Done) are complete. The band is working on the next two songs, which are complicated and will take time. The drums, bass and keys are complete. Look for more in the future.

Scores for all songs are available in pdf format. This means the purchase of a complete song book will not be necessary. Just go to the Order Form page. You will need to e-mail us with the titles you want. They will be $1.50 ea. payable via PayPal. The songs will then be sent electronically to the email address supplied. Cheaper, no snail mail costs, etc.

Below are the locations where the current Dlinkwents material can be found or purchased, as well as on this site.

Amazon YouTube
Itunes Anghami
IndieMusicPeople IHeart Radio
7Digital Pandora
Spotify Google Music 

As the "cue" changes we'll update you.  Feel free to e-mail us for info anytime.
PEACE for now (with a little on the side).